Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Structure for suction valve of piston type compressor
- Patent Title (中): 活塞式压缩机吸气阀结构
Application No.: US09572678Application Date: 2000-05-16
Publication No.: US06419467B1Publication Date: 2002-07-16
- Inventor: Muneharu Murase , Atsuyuki Morishita , Masakazu Murase , Katsuya Ohyama , Masahiro Kawaguchi
- Applicant: Muneharu Murase , Atsuyuki Morishita , Masakazu Murase , Katsuya Ohyama , Masahiro Kawaguchi
- Priority: JP11-138674 19990519
- Main IPC: F04B4900
- IPC: F04B4900

In the suction valve structure of the piston type compressor of the present invention, the primary suction valve 38 is a flexible deforming valve composed of a deforming section 381, which is supported and bent by a cantilever method, and a closing section 382 which connects with a forward end of the deforming section 381 and closes the primary suction port 21. The auxiliary suction valve 39 is a flexible deforming valve composed of a deforming section 391, which is supported-and bent by a cantilever method, and a closing section 392 which connects with a forward end of the deforming section 391 and closes the auxiliary suction port 22. In the present invention, the length of the deforming section 381 of the primary suction valve 38 is approximately the same as that of the deforming section 391 of the auxiliary suction valve 39, however, the width of the deforming section 381 of the primary suction valve 38 is made larger than that of the deforming section 391 of the auxiliary suction valve 39.
Information query