Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Local loop interceder
- Patent Title (中): 本地循环中介
Application No.: US09031268Application Date: 1998-02-26
Publication No.: US06408056B1Publication Date: 2002-06-18
- Inventor: Gordon Bremer , Thomas Bingel
- Applicant: Gordon Bremer , Thomas Bingel
- Main IPC: H04M1100
- IPC: H04M1100

Disclosed is a local loop interceder which interfaces between the local loop and the central office and which provides access to lie public switched telephone network (PSTN). The local loop interceder establishes a first signal pathway from the local loop to the PSTN and a second signal pathway from the local loop to a high speed data modem. The local loop interceder alternates between the first and second pathways depending upon whether the end user desires voice or data communication on the local loop. In a second embodiment, the high speed data modem is a simultaneous voice and data (SVD) modem. In such case, the local loop interceder provides a third signal pathway from the SVD modem to the PSTN for voice communication which is demodulated from a simultaneous voice and data signal received by the SVD modem through the second signal pathway.
Information query