Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Replaceable hole punch for image capturing devices
- Patent Title (中): 用于图像捕获装置的可更换的打孔机
Application No.: US09494035Application Date: 2000-01-31
Publication No.: US06378409B1Publication Date: 2002-04-30
- Inventor: James J. Reid , Lynn S. Gill
- Applicant: James J. Reid , Lynn S. Gill
- Main IPC: B06D156
- IPC: B06D156

A three hole punch system is for use in an image capturing device. The three hole punch system uses elastomeric rollers that punch holes in the edge of a sheet as it passes between two rollers. If desired, the rollers can act as a transport for the sheet without punching holes in the sheet. After the holes are punched, the resultant slugs are pushed back into the holes and the sheet is retrieved by the operator.
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