Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Remedies for thrombocytopenia
- Patent Title (中): 血小板减少症的治疗方法
Application No.: US09117379Application Date: 1998-07-29
Publication No.: US06342477B1Publication Date: 2002-01-29
- Inventor: Masahiko Tamura , Yasuhiro Oda
- Applicant: Masahiko Tamura , Yasuhiro Oda
- Priority: JP8-16701 19960201
- Main IPC: A61K3829
- IPC: A61K3829

Agents for preventing and treating thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura and various diseases that tend to cause bleeding due, presumably, to thrombocytopenia contain a parathyroid hormone (PTH) or at least one PTH derivative as an active ingredient.
Information query