Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Axle mount for wheelchair
- Patent Title (中): 车轮座椅
Application No.: US09702928Application Date: 2000-10-31
Publication No.: US06331036B1Publication Date: 2001-12-18
- Inventor: James B. Papac
- Applicant: James B. Papac
- Main IPC: B60B3700
- IPC: B60B3700

An axle mount for attaching a quick-release wheel to a wheelchair, which axle mount has a split-sided cylinder with a pair of flanges extending laterally from the edges of the split, the flanges defining bores for receiving fasteners to clinch the split-slided cylinder together and a mounting flange for receiving fasteners through bores for securing the axle mount to a chassis of a wheelchair.
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