Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Semiconductor device manufacturing with amorphous film cyrstallization using wet oxygen
- Patent Title (中): 半导体器件制造采用湿式无定形膜凝结法
Application No.: US08622842Application Date: 1996-03-27
Publication No.: US06329269B1Publication Date: 2001-12-11
- Inventor: Hiroki Hamada , Kiichi Hirano , Akifumi Sasaki
- Applicant: Hiroki Hamada , Kiichi Hirano , Akifumi Sasaki
- Priority: JP7-068253 19950327; JP7-216150 19950824
- Main IPC: H01L2100
- IPC: H01L2100

A method of fabricating a semiconductor device includes the steps of forming an amorphous semiconductor film on a substrate, oxidizing the surface of the amorphous semiconductor film in an atmosphere containing water vapor and oxygen, and removing the oxide film which is formed on the surface of the semiconductor film.
Information query