Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Electromechanical brake system
- Patent Title (中): 机电制动系统
Application No.: US09554778Application Date: 2000-09-21
Publication No.: US06317675B1Publication Date: 2001-11-13
- Inventor: Stefan Stölzl , Bernhard Giers , Rainer Oehler , Peter Willimowski , Jürgen Böhm , Joachim Nell , Oliver Hoffmann
- Applicant: Stefan Stölzl , Bernhard Giers , Rainer Oehler , Peter Willimowski , Jürgen Böhm , Joachim Nell , Oliver Hoffmann
- Priority: DE19751906 19971122; DE19853036 19981118
- Main IPC: B60T712
- IPC: B60T712

An electromechanical brake system, particularly for motor vehicles, with a pedal simulator and brake modules is disclosed. A central module is also provided. The connection between the aforesaid modules can be provided by a data bus. The central module evaluates the braking request signals from a sensor device and checks them for errors. Also, a central module supplies and appropriate desired braking value based on the braking request and possibly higher functions such as ABS or ASR. The desired braking value is then conveyed on to the brake module, which then determines the corresponding control signals for the actuators, which interact with the wheels in order to brake the vehicle as the driver requires.
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