Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Home emergency warning system
- Patent Title (中): 家庭应急预警系统
Application No.: US09463915Application Date: 2000-04-06
Publication No.: US06313743B1Publication Date: 2001-11-06
- Inventor: Klaus Abraham-Fuchs , Thomas Birkhoelzer , Alexander Herold , Helmut Reichenberger , Volker Schmidt , Henrich Seifert
- Applicant: Klaus Abraham-Fuchs , Thomas Birkhoelzer , Alexander Herold , Helmut Reichenberger , Volker Schmidt , Henrich Seifert
- Priority: DE19733408 19970801
- Main IPC: G08B2600
- IPC: G08B2600

In an autonomous emergency monitoring system, wherein the user need not carry any signaling devices whatsoever, an emergency situation can be reported to an external receiver by voice input via microphones via a communication interface. Further, a monitoring of the person can ensue via sensor systems that can likewise setup an external connection via the communication interface.
Information query