Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method and apparatus for inspecting rotating containers
- Patent Title (中): 用于检查旋转容器的方法和装置
Application No.: US09709933Application Date: 2000-11-10
Publication No.: US06298974B1Publication Date: 2001-10-09
- Inventor: Bernhard Heuft , Hans-Ulrich Goller
- Applicant: Bernhard Heuft , Hans-Ulrich Goller
- Priority: DE29518628U 19951124
- Main IPC: B65G4700
- IPC: B65G4700

Rotationally symmetrical containers (10) are transported under backup pressure on a conveying surface (12) limited laterally by railings (14). For rotating the containers (10) at a predetermined site along the conveying surface (12), one of two consecutive containers (10) is arranged stable against one railing (14) and the other stable against the other railing (14) in the direction of conveyance after the site at which the containers at which the containers are to rotate. An inspection station for inspecting the sidewalls of the containers (10) is provided that has a radiation source (18) arranged adjacent to the conveying surface (12) and a detection device (20) arranged on the opposite side.
Information query