Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Screw spindle vacuum pump and operating method
- Patent Title (中): 螺杆主轴真空泵及操作方法
Application No.: US09445705Application Date: 1999-12-09
Publication No.: US06273696B1Publication Date: 2001-08-14
- Inventor: Heiner Kösters , Christian Dahmlos
- Applicant: Heiner Kösters , Christian Dahmlos
- Priority: DE19724643 19970611
- Main IPC: F01C116
- IPC: F01C116

Screw-spindle vacuum pump with at least three closed-off feed chambers located one behind the other along each rotor and method for operating this compressor. The chamber which is last on the delivery side is brought virtually to the compression limit pressure by means of pre-admission, shortly before it opens towards the delivery side, by supplying a pre-admission stream which is at least five times as great as the intake mass stream. A precondition, in this case, is a minimum ratio of external compression to internal compression of five.
Information query