Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Controlled atmosphere equipment
- Patent Title (中): 受控气氛设备
Application No.: US09254754Application Date: 1999-03-08
Publication No.: US06265210B1Publication Date: 2001-07-24
- Inventor: Peter Silley , Michael John Annable
- Applicant: Peter Silley , Michael John Annable
- Priority: GB9618785 19960909; GB9708431 19970426
- Main IPC: C12M100
- IPC: C12M100

Controlled atmosphere cabinet has enclosure (110;210) with means providing visibility (110F; 210F) of its interior from outside, gas supply (113-116, 212-216) for desired or target composition of internal atmosphere, controlled lock-type access (112) for manual introduction and removal of items, and hand/arm access port provision (111A, B; 211A, B) for manipulation of said samples in the cabinet. Gas supply associated control means (230-240) serves during use of the cabinet (other than normal atmosphere augmenting in use of the lock-type access) for additional gas supply further to correct or compensate for effects actually or potentially adverse to maintaining the desired or target internal atmosphere composition, via operator-actuated input means (121t, 123; 222) and/or means (122, 124, 139; 225) for sensing prescribed conditions to which the control means is responsive for said additional gas supply.
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