Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Bauxite flame-retardant fillers for insulators or sheathing
- Patent Title (中): 用于绝缘子或护套的铝土阻燃填料
Application No.: US09254372Application Date: 1999-09-15
Publication No.: US06252173B1Publication Date: 2001-06-26
- Inventor: Steve Brown , Natalie Mead , Ken Evans , Consuelo Espejo Rodriguez , Andrew John Dayer
- Applicant: Steve Brown , Natalie Mead , Ken Evans , Consuelo Espejo Rodriguez , Andrew John Dayer
- Priority: EP96306627 19960912
- Main IPC: H01B328
- IPC: H01B328

Bauxite, particularly high alumina bauxite, and brucite are used as flame-retardants in non-aqueous organic polymer formulations particularly for electric insulation or sheathing or encapsulation, and also in bitumen. The formulations are suitable for shaping e.g. by casting, moulding or curing at temperatures of 150° C. or 200° C. Water resistance and other properties including cost of bauxite and brucite compare favourably with the conventional flame-retardant aluminium trihydrate.
Information query