Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Method and apparatus for determining the contents of a gas bottle
- Patent Title (中): 用于确定气瓶内容物的方法和装置
Application No.: US09309944Application Date: 1999-05-11
Publication No.: US06247361B1Publication Date: 2001-06-19
- Inventor: Helmuth Bender , Hans Roelvink , André Veltman
- Applicant: Helmuth Bender , Hans Roelvink , André Veltman
- Main IPC: G01F2328
- IPC: G01F2328

Disclosed is a method for determining the contents of a gas bottle, in particular a liquid gas bottle, comprising the following steps: First of all, the gas bottle is excited by applying a signal to a loudspeaker mounted on said gas bottle. The signal from a microphone mounted on the gas bottle is compared in phase with the signal used for excitation, with the frequency of the signal applied to said loudspeaker being altered continuously, until a resonant frequency is established. This resonant frequency is converted into a filling level of the gas bottle according to a previously determined relationship between the resonant frequency and the filling level. Furthermore, an apparatus is disclosed with which the above-mentioned method may be put into practice.
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