Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Cooling mode switching system for CPU
- Patent Title (中): CPU的冷却模式切换系统
Application No.: US09320788Application Date: 1999-05-27
Publication No.: US06243656B1Publication Date: 2001-06-05
- Inventor: Makoto Arai , Hiroyuki Oda , Hironori Ito
- Applicant: Makoto Arai , Hiroyuki Oda , Hironori Ito
- Priority: JP7-132194 19950530
- Main IPC: G01K1300
- IPC: G01K1300

Two cooling functions are provided: one being reduction in operation speed of a CPU, and the other being rotation of a motor fan. The two cooling functions are selectively used in accordance with a cooling mode set by a user. When a “Quiet” mode is selected by the user, a mode giving a priority to low power consumption is set to make the battery operation time as long as possible. In this case, the motor fan is not rotated and only the CPU operation speed is lowered. On the other hand, when a “Performance” mode is selected by the user, a mode giving a priority to performance is set. In this case, the CPU operation speed is not lowered, and only the motor fan is rotated. The “Performance” mode and “Quiet” mode can be freely set by the user on a setup screen.
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