Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Temperature-storing cup/pot structure
- Patent Title (中): 储温杯/锅结构
Application No.: US09662070Application Date: 2000-09-14
Publication No.: US06213336B1Publication Date: 2001-04-10
- Inventor: Shiow Maan Lin
- Applicant: Shiow Maan Lin
- Main IPC: A47J2700
- IPC: A47J2700

The temperature-storing cup/pot structure mainly comprises a cup/pot and a seat. The bottom face of the cup/pot is disposed with a temperature-storing conducting element. A temperature-storing acting body of the seat is fixed by an insulating member and is pushed by a resilient member. The temperature-storing acting body should be preheated to a desired temperature and then is moved on the seat. The resilient member will make the temperature-storing acting body close contact with the temperature-storing conducting element of the cup/pot to keep the cup/pot hot or cold for a period of time. It does not need the plug. It has no electrical wire connection problem. And, it can be used for a hot or cold drink.
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