Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Optical signal interleaver
- Patent Title (中): 光信号交织器
Application No.: US09342892Application Date: 1999-06-29
Publication No.: US06169626APublication Date: 2001-01-02
- Inventor: Jye-Hong Chen , Kuochou Tai
- Applicant: Jye-Hong Chen , Kuochou Tai
- Main IPC: G02F101
- IPC: G02F101

An interleaver and a deinterleaver for filtering optical signals are described. The interleaver separates subsets of channels. The deinterleavers mix subsets of channels. Interleavers and deinterleavers can be used to increase the bandwidth of an optical network. The interleavers and deinterleavers can be used to interface components designed for a first channel spacing to components designed for a second channel spacing.
Information query