Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Rollers for use in electrophotographic development
- Patent Title (中): 滚筒用于电子照相显影
Application No.: US312572Application Date: 1994-09-26
Publication No.: US5411778APublication Date: 1995-05-02
- Inventor: Arthur F. Diaz , Thomas H. Baum
- Applicant: Arthur F. Diaz , Thomas H. Baum
- Applicant Address: NY Armonk KY Lexington
- Assignee: International Business Machines Corp.,Lexmark Corp.
- Current Assignee: International Business Machines Corp.,Lexmark Corp.
- Current Assignee Address: NY Armonk KY Lexington
- Main IPC: G03G15/08
- IPC: G03G15/08 ; G03G15/16 ; G03G15/06
The present invention relates to a roller for use in electrophotographic development comprising a rigid substrate and a polymeric covering comprising metal 1,3 bis perfluoroalkyl (1,3 dioxopropane) mixed in a polymer.
Public/Granted literature
- US4380609A Prevulcanization inhibitors of thio-triazine-amines for rubber Public/Granted day:1983-04-19
Information query