Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Toner compositions
- Patent Title (中): 调色剂组合物
Application No.: US565286Application Date: 1990-08-09
Publication No.: US5073469APublication Date: 1991-12-17
- Inventor: Arthur F. Diaz , Daphne L. Wollmann
- Applicant: Arthur F. Diaz , Daphne L. Wollmann
- Applicant Address: CT Greenwich
- Assignee: Lexmark International, Inc.
- Current Assignee: Lexmark International, Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: CT Greenwich
- Main IPC: G03G9/087
- IPC: G03G9/087
The present invention relates to toner compositions containing a negative charge-enhancing additive useful for developing latent electrostatic images to visible images.
Public/Granted literature
- US5688704A Integrated circuit fabrication Public/Granted day:1997-11-18
Information query