Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Process and apparatus for the manufacture of refrigerating cabinets
- Patent Title (中): 用于制造冷藏柜的工艺和设备
Application No.: US27820Application Date: 1987-03-19
Publication No.: US4751032APublication Date: 1988-06-14
- Inventor: Aldo Salamon , Ireneo DeNardi , Francesco Pagura
- Applicant: Aldo Salamon , Ireneo DeNardi , Francesco Pagura
- Applicant Address: ITX Pordenone
- Assignee: Industrie Zanussi, S.p.A.
- Current Assignee: Industrie Zanussi, S.p.A.
- Current Assignee Address: ITX Pordenone
- Priority: ITX45710A/86 19860319
- Main IPC: B29C33/30
- IPC: B29C33/30 ; B29C44/12 ; F25D23/06 ; B29C65/00 ; B22D19/08 ; B28B1/50
Refrigerating cabinets of different sizes and shapes may be manufactured by the use of a single positioning member. Thus, the positioning member has a configuration which is adjustable to adapt to the particular shape of a given inner housing of refrigerating cabinet. When the adjustment is made, the performed housing is fixedly positioned on the thus adjusted positioning member. Previously formed outer walls of the particular cabinet involved then are positioned about the thus positioned housing, with a space being defined between the housing and the outer walls. The positioning member further includes elements which may be employed to partially form a foaming jig. This total unit then is moved to a simplified foaming unit, whereafter the formation of the foaming jig is completed, and insulation material is foamed into the space between the housing and the outer walls.
Public/Granted literature
- US05999424A Bi-directional energy diode converter using multipulse control Public/Granted day:1999-12-07
Information query