Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Easel binder
- Patent Title (中): 搪胶粘合剂
Application No.: US694619Application Date: 1985-01-24
Publication No.: US4603995APublication Date: 1986-08-05
- Inventor: James J. Vilona
- Applicant: James J. Vilona
- Applicant Address: IL Woodstock
- Assignee: Fosse; John S.
- Current Assignee: Fosse; John S.
- Current Assignee Address: IL Woodstock
- Main IPC: B42F13/40
- IPC: B42F13/40 ; B42D3/00 ; B42D3/16 ; B42F13/00
An easel binder includes hingedly interconnected front cover, back cover and spine panels; and page-mounting means are secured to the inside of one of the two cover panels. A brace, including a swingable medial panel and an end panel hingedly connected to the otherwise free end of the medial panel, is connected to one of the cover panels; and cooperating fasteners are mounted on the end panel of the brace and on a different one of the cover panels so that the cover, back and spine panels can be reversibly configurated into pyramidal form and secured pyramidally so that the binder can be used as an easel.
Public/Granted literature
- US5095982A Method of characterizing the flowpath for fluid injected into a subterranean formation Public/Granted day:1992-03-17
Information query