Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Internal combustion engines equipped with a turbocompressor unit with heating upstream of the turbine and methods of starting up their turbocompressor units
- Patent Title (中): 内燃机配备有在涡轮机上游加热的涡轮压缩机单元以及启动其涡轮压缩机单元的方法
Application No.: US436728Application Date: 1974-01-25
Publication No.: US3949555APublication Date: 1976-04-13
- Inventor: Jean Melchior
- Applicant: Jean Melchior
- Applicant Address: FR Paris
- Assignee: Etat Francais
- Current Assignee: Etat Francais
- Current Assignee Address: FR Paris
- Priority: FR73.06202 19730222
- Main IPC: F02B37/20
- IPC: F02B37/20 ; F01M5/02 ; F02B3/06 ; F02B37/00 ; F02B37/16 ; F02B39/14 ; F02C7/27 ; F02P7/08 ; F02B33/44 ; F02B33/32
Diesel engines, equipped with a turbocompressor unit with a combustion chamber upstream of the turbine, comprising a by-pass duct enabling direct and permanent passage between the outlet of the compressor of the turbocompressor unit and said combustion chamber, comprise in addition, for the starting of the turbocompressor unit, a starting device comprising pressure difference generating means. These means are positioned in the by-pass duct in the midst of the air-flow between the compressor and the turbine and arranged to create a flow in the direction of the turbine of the turbocompressor unit. The pressure difference generating means may be constituted by a blower driven by an electric motor, or by an injector supplied with air under pressure and generating a flow by the effect of induction.
Public/Granted literature
- US5551693A Controller unit for electronic devices Public/Granted day:1996-09-03
Information query