Dual Cure Cyanate Ester Inkjet Composition
The present invention relates to an inkjet composition having 1.0-5.0 mol/kg acryloyl groups comprising:

i) photo polymerization reactive compound (M) containing exactly one acryloyl group,
ii) photo polymerization reactive compound (N) containing at least two acryloyl groups,
iii) radical photoinitiator (R),
iv) cyanate ester compound (D) containing at least two cyanate groups and
v) cyanate ester curing catalyst (C), wherein
(M) is different from (D) and (N) is different from (D),

25-50 mol % of the contained acryloyl groups are provided by the reactive compound (N) and the molar ratio of contained acryloyl groups to contained cyanate groups of compound (D) is 0.30 to 0.95.