US20130144949A1 Crowd-Sourced Resource Selection in a Social Network 审中-公开

Crowd-Sourced Resource Selection in a Social Network
A resource selection server that performs crowd-sourced resource selection over a social networking service, absent a central ratings database. A device subscribed to a social networking service implementing the inventive resource selection server, may register as a resource offering a particular skill. Additionally, any device subscribed to a relevant social networking service may transmit a skill request to the inventive resource selection server, to request a best-fit resource be returned for a particular skill of interest. The resource selection server queries a subscriber account database to identify resources on a social networking service, registered to offer a requested skill. The resource selection server additionally prompts subscriber devices within ‘n’ degrees of separation of a requesting device, to submit real-time trust ratings for resources complying with a particular skill request. The resource selection server analyzes ratings submitted by selected subscriber devices to return a best-fit resource for a particular skill request.