Invention Application
- Patent Title: Internal member for disposable soft contact lens packaging
- Patent Title (中): 用于一次性软性隐形眼镜包装的内部构件
Application No.: US11931955Application Date: 2007-10-31
Publication No.: US20080078681A1Publication Date: 2008-04-03
- Inventor: Stephen Newman
- Applicant: Stephen Newman
- Main IPC: A45C11/04
- IPC: A45C11/04 ; A45C11/06

A contact lens package includes a container, a contact lens, and an internal member configured facilitate a restoration of the contact lens to a desired shape when the package is opened by the user.
Public/Granted literature
- US07938255B2 Internal member for disposable soft contact lens packaging Public/Granted day:2011-05-10
Information query