Invention Application
- Patent Title: Process for the production of electrolyte capacitors of high nominal voltage
- Patent Title (中): 用于生产高标称电压的电解电容器的工艺
Application No.: US11520310Application Date: 2006-09-13
Publication No.: US20070064376A1Publication Date: 2007-03-22
- Inventor: Udo Merker , Wilfried Lovenich , Klaus Wussow
- Applicant: Udo Merker , Wilfried Lovenich , Klaus Wussow
- Applicant Address: DE Goslar
- Assignee: H. C. Starck GmbH
- Current Assignee: H. C. Starck GmbH
- Current Assignee Address: DE Goslar
- Priority: DE1020050438296 20050913
- Main IPC: H01G9/04
- IPC: H01G9/04 ; H01G9/145
![Process for the production of electrolyte capacitors of high nominal voltage](/abs-image/US/2007/03/22/US20070064376A1/abs.jpg.150x150.jpg)
The invention relates to a process for the production of electrolyte capacitors having a low equivalent series resistance and low residual current for high nominal voltages, electrolyte capacitors produced by this process and the use of such electrolyte capacitors.
Public/Granted literature
- US08313538B2 Process for the production of electrolyte capacitors of high nominal voltage Public/Granted day:2012-11-20
Information query