Invention Application
- Patent Title: Nanoparticle production and corresponding structures
Application No.: US11357711Application Date: 2006-02-17
Publication No.: US20060147369A1Publication Date: 2006-07-06
- Inventor: Xiangxin Bi , Nobuyuki Kambe , Craig Horne , James Gardner , Ronald Mosso , Shivkumar Chiruvolu , Sujeet Kumar , William McGovern , Pierre DeMascarel , Robert Lynch
- Applicant: Xiangxin Bi , Nobuyuki Kambe , Craig Horne , James Gardner , Ronald Mosso , Shivkumar Chiruvolu , Sujeet Kumar , William McGovern , Pierre DeMascarel , Robert Lynch
- Assignee: NeoPhotonics Corporation
- Current Assignee: NeoPhotonics Corporation
- Main IPC: B32B19/00
- IPC: B32B19/00 ; B32B5/16

Methods are described that have the capability of producing submicron/nanoscale particles, in some embodiments dispersible, at high production rates. In some embodiments, the methods result in the production of particles with an average diameter less than about 75 nanometers that are produced at a rate of at least about 35 grams per hour. In other embodiments, the particles are highly uniform. These methods can be used to form particle collections and/or powder coatings. Powder coatings and corresponding methods are described based on the deposition of highly uniform submicron/nanoscale particles.
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