Invention Application
- Patent Title: Self-contained planter system
- Patent Title (中): 独立的播种机系统
Application No.: US10727851Application Date: 2003-12-04
Publication No.: US20050120625A1Publication Date: 2005-06-09
- Inventor: Jennifer Appel
- Applicant: Jennifer Appel
- Main IPC: A01G9/02
- IPC: A01G9/02

The present invention includes an improved planter system that can be located in a variety of locations largely independent of available light and water sources. In at least one embodiment, the invention provides a self-contained planter system, having a water retaining box, an elevated first soil retaining box disposed above the water retaining box; and a drain portal in the soil retaining box adapted to drain into the water retaining box. A pump provides water recirculation from the water retaining box to the soil retaining box using water that drains from the soil retaining box into the water retaining box. A light mounted above the soil retaining box provides light independent of ambient conditions. The invention can also include a stacked array of soil containing boxes where excess water in a higher soil retaining box drains onto a lower soil retaining box and then to the water retaining box.
Information query