Slug catcher skid
Disclosed is a slug catcher skid that is comprised of an integral inlet separator sized for a single compressor flow and each slug catcher skid is only used with a single compressor. The flow through the integral inlet separator is determined by the flow rate through the single compressor to which it is attached. Additionally, the other piping on an individual slug catcher skid such as the common gas inlet pipe headers, the common liquid drain pipe headers, and the common gas discharge pipe headers are sized for the flow of multiple compressors in a single facility. Some embodiments of the slug catcher skid are further comprised of an inlet filter separator, a Positive Shut Off (PSO) system, and/or an equalizing system in various combinations. The slug skids of the claimed invention may be further comprised of post compressor functional equipment including but not limited to a discharge gas oil separation vessel and a glycol separation vessel.