Microprocessor controlled rechargeable brake light control circuit
A microprocessor-controlled rechargeable brake light control circuit is a compact package with connectors that includes a rechargeable power source, a power supply sensor, and a non-volatile memory connected to a microprocessor. When power is abruptly disconnected, as when the brake is disengaged, there still is enough power to the device from the rechargeable power source for a period of time that allows a microprocessor to store an indication, such as a time stamp, of approximately where in time the pulse sequence terminated. When the brake is again depressed and power is restored to the circuit, that time stamp may be used as a reference point to restart the pulse sequence. Pulsing of the brake light is through a MOSFET switch pulse circuit that receives vehicle power when the brake pedal is depressed and imprints a pulse pattern on that vehicle power responsive to pulse sequence command from the microprocessor.