Invention Grant
- Patent Title: Long length electrodes
Application No.: US12062005Application Date: 2008-04-03
Publication No.: US10237928B2Publication Date: 2019-03-19
- Inventor: Diane M. Artman , Philip Dennis Coleman , Juan Morales
- Applicant: Diane M. Artman , Philip Dennis Coleman , Juan Morales
- Applicant Address: US OH Brooklyn Heights
- Assignee: GrafTech International Holdings Inc.
- Current Assignee: GrafTech International Holdings Inc.
- Current Assignee Address: US OH Brooklyn Heights
- Main IPC: H05B7/06
- IPC: H05B7/06 ; H05B7/085 ; H05B7/14
An embodiment disclosed herein includes a monolithic graphite electrode. The electrode has a main body having a length of more than 3050 mm. Another embodiment disclosed herein includes an electrode column comprising a plurality of monolithic graphite electrodes. The column has a length of more than 3050 mm of electrode per joint. A further embodiment discussed herein is the practice of increasing the length of the electrode to minimize the occurrence of an electrode joint in the electrode column for a given length. This practice will improve efficiencies for both electrode manufacturers as well as electric arc furnace operators.
Public/Granted literature
- US20080247440A1 Long Length Electrodes Public/Granted day:2008-10-09
Information query